Articles and Chapters
McMurchy, G. and Taylor, N. (2024). “The Gallery is Ephemeral”: Exploring the intersection of archival practice and technology in Artist-Run Initiatives. Proceedings of C&C 2024, ACM, 651–660. doi:10.1145/3635636.3656208
Taylor, N., Chatting, C. and Rogers, J. (2024). Data Probes: Reflecting on connected devices with technology-mediated probes. Proceedings of TEI 2024, ACM. doi:10.1145/3623509.3633380
Prost, S., Ntouros, V., Wood, G., Collingham, H., Taylor, N., Crivellaro, C., Rogers, J. and Vines, J. (2023). Walking and talking: Place-based data collection and mapping for participatory design with communities. Proceedings of DIS 2023, ACM, 2437–2452. doi:10.1145/3563657.3596054
Abu Abah, N., Taylor, N., Morisset, C. and Mehrnezhad, M. (2023). U-Sense: Feasibility Study of “Human as a Sensor” in Incident Reporting Systems in a Smart Campus. Proceedings of EuroS&PW 2023, IEEE, 641–652. doi:10.1109/EuroSPW59978.2023.00075
Key, C., Gatehouse, C. and Taylor, N. (2022). Feminist care in the anthropocene: Packing and unpacking tensions in posthumanist HCI. Proceedings of DIS 2022, ACM, 677–692. doi:10.1145/3532106.3533540 (Best Paper Award)
Taylor, N., Rogers, J., Clarke, L., Skelly, M., Wallace, J., Thomas, P., George, B., Raj, R., Shorter, M. and Thorne, M. (2021). Prototyping things: Reflecting on unreported objects of design research for IoT. Proceedings of DIS 2021, ACM, 1807–1816. doi:10.1145/3461778.3462037
Key, C., Browne, F., Taylor, N. and Rogers, J. (2021). Proceed with care: Reimagining home IoT through a care perspective. Proceedings of CHI 2021, ACM. doi:10.1145/3411764.3445602 (Honorable Mention Award)
Cheverst, K., Taylor, N. and Do, T. (2020). Supporting shared sense of history within a rural village community. Into the Wild: Beyond the Design Research Lab, Springer, 93–113. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-18020-1_6
Gorkovenko, K. and Taylor, N. (2019). Audience and expert perspectives on second screen engagement with political debates. Proceedings of TVX 2019, ACM, 70–82. doi:10.1145/3317697.3323352
Rogers, J., Clarke, L., Skelly, M., Taylor, N., Thomas, P., Thorne, M., Larsen, S., Odrozek, K., Kloiber, J., Bihr, P., Jain, A., Arden, J., von Grafenstein, M. (2019). Our Friends Electric: Reflections on advocacy and design research for the voice enabled internet. Proceedings of CHI 2019, ACM. doi:10.1145/3290605.3300344
Green, D.P., Fuchsberger, V., Taylor, N., Bjørn, P., Kirk, D. and Lindtner, S. (2019). Introduction to this Special Issue on Open Design at the Intersection of Making and Manufacturing. Human–Computer Interaction 34(5–6), 379–388. doi:10.1080/07370024.2019.1591960
Taylor, N., Clarke, L., Skelly, M. and Nevay, S. (2018). Strategies for engaging communities in creating physical civic technologies. Proceedings of CHI 2018, ACM. doi:10.1145/3173574.3174081
Taylor, N. and Clarke, L. (2018). Everybody’s hacking: participation and the mainstreaming of hackathons. Proceedings of CHI 2018, ACM. doi:10.1145/3173574.3173746
Gorkovenko, K. and Taylor, N. (2017). Understanding how people use Twitter during election debates. Proceedings of British HCI 2017, BCS. doi:10.14236/ewic/HCI2017.88
Taylor, N., Clarke, L. and Gorkovenko, K. (2017). Community Inventor Days: scaffolding grassroots innovation with maker events. Proceedings of DIS 2017, ACM, 1201–1212. doi:10.1145/3064663.3064723
Gorkovenko, K., Taylor, N. and Rogers, J. (2017). Social Printers: a physical social network for political debates. Proceedings of CHI 2017, ACM, 2269–2281. doi:10.1145/3025453.3025611 (Honorable Mention Award)
Gorkovenko, K. and Taylor, N. (2016). Politics at home: second screen behaviours and motivations during TV debates. Proceedings of NordiCHI 2016, ACM. doi:10.1145/2971485.2971514
Taylor, N., Hurley, U. and Connolly, P. (2016). Making community: the wider role of makerspaces in public life. Proceedings of CHI 2016, ACM, 1415–1425. doi:10.1145/2858036.2858073
Johnson, I.G., Vines, J., Taylor, N., Jenkins, E. and Marshall, J. (2016). Reflections on deploying distributed consultation technologies with community organisations. Proceedings of CHI 2016, ACM, 2945–2957. doi:10.1145/2858036.2858098 (Honorable Mention Award)
Do, T.V., Cheverst, K. and Taylor, N. (2015). Content analysis of a rural community’s interaction with its cultural heritage through a longitudinal display deployment. Proceedings of British HCI 2015, ACM, 46–55. doi:10.1145/2783446.2783567
Vlachokyriakos, V., Dunphy, P., Taylor, N., Comber, R. and Olivier, P. (2014). BallotShare: an exploration of the design space of digital voting in the workplace. Computers in Human Behavior 41, 433–443. doi:10.1016/j.chb.2014.04.024
Taylor, N., Bartindale, T., Vines, J. and Olivier, P. (2014). Exploring delegate engagement with an augmented conference. Proceedings of UbiComp 2014, ACM, 835–845. doi:10.1145/2632048.2632068
Vlachokyriakos, V., Comber, R., Ladha, K., Taylor, N., Dunphy, P., McCorry, P. and Olivier, P. (2014). PosterVote: expanding the action repertoire for local political activism. Proceedings of DIS 2014, ACM, 795–804. doi:10.1145/2598510.2598523
Taylor, N. (2014). Supporting community participation in interactive exhibits. Proceedings of PerDis 2014, ACM, 74–79. doi:10.1145/2611009.2611031
Taylor, N., Frohlich, D., Egglestone, P., Marshall, J., Rogers, J., Blum-Ross, A., Mills, J., Shorter, M. and Olivier, P. (2014). Utilising insight journalism for community technology design. Proceedings of CHI 2014, ACM, 2995–3004. doi:10.1145/2556288.2557054
Wood, G., Vines, J., Balaam, M., Taylor, N., Smith, T., Crivellaro, C., Mensah, J., Limon, H., Challis, J., Anderson, L., Clarke, A. and Wright, P. (2014). The Department of Hidden Stories: playful digital storytelling for children in a public library. Proceedings of CHI 2014, ACM, 1885–1896. doi:10.1145/2556288.2557034
Comber, R., Thieme, A., Rafiev, A., Taylor, N., Krämer, N. and Olivier, P. (2013). BinCam: designing for engagement with Facebook for behavior change. Proceedings of INTERACT 2013, Springer, 99–115. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-40480-1_7
Taylor, N., Cheverst, K., Wright, P. and Olivier, P. (2013). Leaving the wild: lessons from community technology handovers. Proceedings of CHI 2013, ACM, 1549–1558. doi:10.1145/2470654.2466206 (Honorable Mention Award)
Memarovic, N., Langheinrich, M., Cheverst, K., Taylor, N. and Alt, F. (2013). P-LAYERS — a layered framework addressing the multi-faceted issues facing community-supporting public display deployments. ACM Transactions on Computer–Human Interaction 20(3), 17. doi:10.1145/2491500.2491505
Dade-Robertson, M., Taylor, N., Marshall, J. and Olivier, P. (2012). The Political Sensorium. Proceedings of MAB 2012, ACM, 47–50. doi:10.1145/2421076.2421084
Taylor, N., Marshall, J., Blum-Ross, A., Mills, J., Rogers, J., Egglestone, P., Frohlich, D.M., Wright, P. and Olivier, P. (2012). Viewpoint: empowering communities with situated voting devices. Proceedings of CHI 2012, ACM, 1361–1370. doi:10.1145/2207676.2208594
Bartindale, T., Sheikh, A., Taylor, N., Wright, P. and Olivier, P. (2012). StoryCrate: tabletop storyboarding for live film production. Proceedings of CHI 2012, ACM, 169–178. doi:10.1145/2207676.2207700
Taylor, N. and Cheverst, K. (2012). Supporting community awareness with situated displays. IEEE Computer 45(5), 26–32. doi:10.1109/MC.2012.113
Cheverst, K., Taher, F., Fisher M., Fitton, D. and Taylor, N. (2012). The design, deployment and evaluation of situated display-based systems to support coordination and community. Ubiquitous Display Environments, Springer, 105–124. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-27663-7_7
Taylor, N. and Cheverst, K. (2011). Rural communities and pervasive advertising. Pervasive Advertising, Springer, 269–286. doi:10.1007/978-0-85729-352-7_13
Bury, S., Cheverst, K., Ishmael, J., Mitchell, K., Race, N.J.P., Rouncefield, M., Smith, P. and Taylor, N. (2011). Service design, new media and community development. Design for Services, Gower, 125–130.
Müller, J., Cheverst, K., Fitton, D., Taylor, N., Paczkowski, O. and Krüger, A. (2011). Experiences of supporting local and remote mobile phone interaction in situated public display deployments. Human–Computer Interaction and Innovation in Handheld, Mobile and Wearable Technologies, IGI Global, 108–123. doi:10.4018/978-1-60960-499-8.ch006
Taylor, N. and Cheverst, K. (2010). Creating a rural community display with local engagement. Proceedings of DIS 2010, ACM, 218–227. doi:10.1145/1858171.1858209
Taylor, N. and Cheverst, K. (2009). Social interaction around a rural community photo display. International Journal of Human–Computer Studies 67(12), 1037–1047. doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2009.07.006
Müller, J., Cheverst, K., Fitton, D., Taylor, N., Paczkowski, O., Krüger, A. (2009). Experiences of supporting local and remote mobile phone interaction in situated public display deployments. International Journal of Mobile Human–Computer Interaction 1(2), 1–21. doi:10.4018/jmhci.2009040101
Taylor, N. and Cheverst, K. (2008). “This might be stupid but…”: participatory design with community displays and postcards. Proceedings of OZCHI 2008, ACM, 41–48. doi:10.1145/1517744.1517757
Taylor, N., Cheverst, K., Fitton, D., Race, N.J.P., Rouncefield, M. and Graham, C. (2007). Probing communities: study of a village photo display. Proceedings of OZCHI 2007, ACM, 17–24. doi:10.1145/1324892.1324896(Runner-Up, Best Paper)
Taylor, N.C. (2011). Supporting Village Community through Connected Situated Displays. PhD Thesis, Lancaster University.
Extended Abstracts
Sheahan, J., Chatting, D., Collins, R., Bley, J., Eriksson, A., Taylor, N. and Rozendaal, M.C. (2024). Designing with friction: Inverting notions of seamless technology. Adjunct Proceedings of NordiCHI 2024, ACM.
Prost, S., Taylor, N., Strohmayer, A., Collingham, H., de Castro Leal, D., Krüger, M., Liu, J., Crivellaro, C. and Vines, J. (2023). Bringing sustainability through, in, and of HCI into conversation. DIS 2023 Companion, ACM, 127–130.
Smyth, M., Helgason, I., Kresin, F., Balestrini, M., Unteidig, A.B., Lawson, S., Gaved, M., Taylor, N., Auger, J., Hansen, L.K., Schuler, D.C., Woods, M. and Dourish, P. (2018). Maker movements, Do-it-Yourself cultures and participatory design: implications for HCI research. Extended Abstracts of CHI 2008, ACM. doi:10.1145/3170427.3170604
Green, D.P., Fuchsberger, V., Kirk, D., Taylor, N., Chatting, D., Meissner, J., Murer, M., Tscheligi, M., Lindtner, S., Bjorn, P. and Reiter, A. (2017). Open design at the intersection of making and manufacturing. Extended Abstracts of CHI 2017, ACM, 542–549. doi:10.1145/3027063.3027087
Vlachokyriakos, V., Comber, R., Crivellaro, C., Taylor, N., Kuznetsov, S., Kavanaugh, A., Le Dantec, C.A. and Kim, B.J. (2015). Designing alternative systems for local communities. Extended Abstracts of CHI 2015, ACM, 2333–2336. doi:10.1145/2702613.2702657
Lindsay, S., Taylor, N. and Olivier, P. (2012). Opportunistic engagement by designing on the street. Extended Abstracts of CHI 2012, ACM, 1709–1714. doi:10.1145/2212776.2223697
Taylor, N., Cheverst, K., Satchell, C., Foth, M. and McColl, I. (2008). Public situated displays to support communities. Workshop at OZCHI 2008.
Taylor, N., Rouncefield, M., Cheverst, K. and Shahram, I. (2008). Encouraging community spirit with situated displays. AISB 2008 Symposium on Persuasive Technology, AISB, 39–42.
Workshop Papers
McMurchy, G., Taylor, N. and Skelly, M. (2023). Speculative machines exploring contemporary data futures. CHI 2023 Workshop on Data as a Material for Design: Alternative Narratives, Divergent Pathways, and Future Directions.
Chatting, D., Taylor, N. and Rogers, J. (2021). Design for reappearance in smart technologies. CSCW 2021 Workshop on Designing for Data Awareness: Addressing Privacy and Security Concerns About “Smart” Technologies.
Gorkovenko, K. and Taylor, N. (2017). Non-conventional TV interactions for political debates. DIS 2017 Workshop on Designing Reconfigurable Televisual Experiences.
Taylor, N., Connolly, P., McLeod-Iredale, J. and Hurley, U. (2016). Breadth, depth and height: early findings on engaging disabled people with digital fabrication. CHI 2016 Workshop on Fabrication & HCI: Hobbyist Making, Industrial Production, and Beyond.
Cheverst, K., Taylor, N. and Do, T. (2014). The ‘hacking of third places’ within a rural village community. DIS 2014 Workshop on Hacking HCI3P – Second Workshop on Human Computer Interaction in Third Places.
Vlachokyriakos, V., Dunphy, P., Taylor, N., Comber, R. and Olivier, P. (2013). BallotShare: exploring the effects of social media on e-voting. CHI 2013 Workshop on Designing Social Media for Change.
Taylor, N. and Cheverst, K. (2012). Ongoing support for deployments in the wild. DIS 2012 Workshop on Research in the Wild: Understanding ‘In the Wild’ Approaches to Design and Development.
Taylor, N., Wright, P. and Olivier, P. (2012). Digital heritage to address contemporary social Problems. CHI 2012 Workshop on Heritage Matters: Designing for Current and Future Values Through Digital and Social Technologies.
Taylor, N. and Cheverst, K. (2010). Sharing rural heritage with public situated displays. DIS 2010 Workshop on Heritage Inquiries: A Designerly Approach to Human Values.
Taylor, N., Cheverst, K. and Müller, J. (2009). Affordances and signifiers of community noticeboards. Pervasive 2009 Workshop on Pervasive Advertising.
Taylor, N. and Cheverst, K. (2008). Exploring the use of non-digital situated displays in a rural community. OZCHI 2008 Workshop on Public Situated Displays to Support Communities.
Cheverst, K., Taylor, N., Rouncefield, M., Galani, A. and Kray, C. (2008). The challenge of evaluating situated display based technology interventions designed to foster a sense of community. UbiComp 2008 Workshop on Ubiquitous Systems Evaluation.
Cheverst, K., Coulton, P., Bamford, W. and Taylor, N. (2008). Supporting (mobile) user experience at a rural village ‘scarecrow festival’: a formative study of a geolocated photo mashup utilising a situated display. MobileHCI 2008 Workshop on Mobile Interaction in the Real World.
Taylor, N., Cheverst, K., Dix, A., Silva, P.A. and Rouncefield, M. (2008). The co-realisation of a village photo display. CHI 2008 Workshop on Collocated Social Practices Surrounding Photos.
Cheverst, K., Fitton, D., Taylor, N. and Kray, C. (2008). Experiences of supporting local and remote mobile phone interaction with touchscreen based situated displays. CHI 2008 Workshop on Designing and Evaluating Mobile Phone-Based Interaction with Public Displays.
Cheverst, K., Krüger, A., Müller, J. and Taylor, N. (2007). Considering the evaluation and design of (public) situated displays: enabling users to choose amongst different design alternatives in-situ. AmI-07 Workshop on Evaluating Ubiquitous Systems with Users.